If you have found yourself at the end of the road. The end of the rope. Hanging on to the last thread…MAYBE it’s time for you to finally let go and come to the realization that you were created ON PURPOSE and FOR A PURPOSE that is much greater and higher than you could ever think or imagine. The God of this Universe created you and knew you before you were even in your mother’s womb. He has a plan for your life…and it is a GOOD plan. “A plan to prosper you and to give you a great future and hope”! (Jer 29:11)

If you are like me, you have probably heard it from some nagging relative 100 times and you’ve become deaf to it…“you need to give your life to the Lord”BUT let me tell you that it is TRUTH!

When you finally come to the end of what you can do with your life – you’ve burned bridges, hurt people, hurt yourself, etc. and that baggage of pain, regret, and shame are so heavy that you can’t even drag them anymore, let alone stand on your own two feet – there IS and ALWAYS WILL BE One who will not leave you or forsake you and His name is JESUS! But He is a perfect gentleman and will not force Himself on anyone – you have to choose Him, just like you have to be the one to choose to get sober.

I pray today is that day for you my friend. Just let go and give it all to Him. He tells us in His Word that He is the burden bearer and that He wants us to give it to Him because He is able to bear it. Not you! You were not created to live this way. You were created on purpose, for a purpose and you can’t fulfill that purpose and in return be fulfilled when your so busy carrying all that baggage.

Turn to Jesus and ask Him for His help in your life today. You will not be disappointed. That doesn’t mean that your life will miraculously get straightened out overnight…it will take some time…some learning and unlearning, but in time you will look back and see that this day, the day you gave your life over to the Lord, was the day that things started changing on your behalf.

If you are ready today, say these words “Lord, I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done…to you, to other people, and to myself. Forgive me Lord. Please help me because I cannot do this alone anymore. Heal me today Lord, my body, mind, and soul. I believe you came to this earth to help hurt and lost people just like me. I believe you will help me too. Thank you Lord for washing me clean today with the blood that you shed when you hung on that cross. I receive your forgiveness and will walk with my head held high as a Blood Washed, Forgiven, Child of God from this day forward. Amen.”

Now, if you said that prayer and meant it, don’t stop there. Find one of the resources on the bottom of the page and connect with them to help you find a good church to attend in your area and to get the tools you need to become a good, strong Christian.

And, if you didn’t say that prayer today…well, just make the decision and DO IT today!!!